La siguiente es una corta bibliografía de algunos libros que han sido de importancia en mi viaje hacia el crecimiento como persona humana. De ninguna manera es una bibliografía exhaustiva y estoy seguro de que hay algunos libros que sirvieron definitivamente a este propósito, pero he olvidado sus títulos, y, por lo tanto, es triste, pero no están incluidos aquí.
Habrá otras obras que el lector podría agregar a la lista lo cual me daría mucho gusto. Esta bibliografía, al igual que todo este libro, no es más que un comienzo.
Leo Buscaglia
- Allport G., OnBecoming:Basic Considerationsfor aPsychology of Personality,New Haven, Conn, Yale University Press, 1955.
- Assagioli R., Psychosynthesis: A Manual of Principáis and Techniques,Nueva York, Viking Press Inc., 1972.
- Assagioli R., The Act of Will,Nueva York, Viking Press Inc., 1973.
- (Nueva York, Penguin Books Inc., 1974.)
- Axline V. M., Dibs: In Search of Self Nueva York, Penguin Books Inc., 1971.
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- Baba Ram Das, Be Here Now,Nueva York, Crown Pub., Inc., 1971.
- Beme E., What Do You Say After You Say Helio ?,Nueva York, Grove Press Inc., 1972. (Nueva York Bantam Basic Books Inc., 1973.) Bettelheim B., The Informal Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age,Nueva York, Free Press, 1960. (Nueva York, Avon Books, 1971.) Bettelheim B., Love is not Enough,Nueva York, Free Press, 1950.
- Blakney B., (Ed.) Meister Eckart: A Modem Translation,Nueva York, Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1941.
- Buber M.» Between Man & Man,Nueva York, Macmillan Pub., Co., Inc., 1965.
- Buddhadasa., Toward the Truth,Filadelfia, Westminster Press, 1971.
- Camus A., The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays,Nueva York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1955.
- Camus A., The Stranger,Nueva York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1946.
- Castañeda C., Tales of Power,Simón & Schuster Inc., 1975.
- Chaudhuri H., Integral Yoga,Wheaton, Illinois, Theosophical Publishing House, 1974.
- Chung-yuan C., Creativity and Taoism,Nuevá York, Julián Press Inc., 1963.
- Dubos R., Beast or Angel? Chotees That Make Us Human,Nueva York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974.
- Egner R. E., Dennon L. E., (eds), The Basic Writtings of Bertrand Russell,Nueva York, Simón & Schuster Inc., 1961.
- Eiseley L., Firmament of Time,Nueva York, Atheneum Pub., 1960.
- Eiseley L., The Immense Joumey,Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1957.
- Erickson E. H., Childhood and Society,Nueva York, W. W., Norton & Co., Inc., 1964.
- De Saint Exupery A., The Little Prince,Nueva York, Harcourt Brace Javonovich Inc., 1971.
- Fromm E., Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics,Nueva York, Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1947. (Nueva York, Fawcet World Library, 1968.)
- Fromm E., The Art of Loving,Nueva York, Harper 8c Row Pub., Inc., 1956.
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- Gasset O., On Love,Elnora, Nueva York, Meridian Press, 1957.
- Gasset O., Man and Crisis,Nueva York, W. W., Norton & Co., Inc., 1962.
- Gasset O., Man and People,Nueva York, W. W., Norton & Co., Inc., 1963.
- Gibran J-, The Prophet,Nueva York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1972.
- Gillies J., Friends,Nueva York, CowardMcCann & Geoghegan Inc., 1976.
- Hammarskjold Dag., Markings,Nueva York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1964.
- Harper R., Human Love: Existential and Mystical,Baltimore, Maryland, Johns Hopkins Press, 1966.
- Hesse H., Demian,Nueva York, Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1965.
- Hesse H., Siddartha,Nueva York, Bantam Books Inc., 1976.
- Jourard S., The Transparent Self,ed., 2, Nueva York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1971.
- Jourard S., Overlade DC: Disclosing Man to Himself: The Task of Humaninstic Psychology,Nueva York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1968.
- Jung C. G., Man and His Symbols,Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co., 1970.
- Jung C. G., Memories, Dreams, Reflections,Nueva York, Vintage Books, 1963.
- Jung C. G., Modem Man in Search of a Soul,Nueva York, Harcourt Brace & World, 1962.
- Jung C.G., The Portable Jung,Nueva York, Viking Press, 1971.
- Kapleau P., The Three Pillars of Zen,Boston, Beacon Press Inc., 1967.
- Kazantzakis N., The Saviors of God,Nueva York, Simón 8cSchuster Inc., 1960.
- Kubler Ross E., Death: The Final Stage of Growth,Englewood Cliffs, Nueva Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1975.
- Kubler Ross E., Images of Growth and Death,Englewood Cliffs, Nueva Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976.
- Laing R. D., Politics of Experience,Nueva York, Ballantine Books Inc., 1976.
- Leonard G., Education and Ecstasy,Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co., 1968.
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- Lindberg A. M., Bring Me a Unicom: Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindberg,Nueva York, Harcourt Brace Javonovich Inc., 1972.
- lindberg A. M., Gifts from the Sea,Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1955.
- Maslow A., Motivation andPersonality,rev. ed., Nueva York, Harper
- & Row Pub., Inc., 1970.
- Maslow A., Religions, Valúes and Peak Experiences,Nueva York, Viking Press Inc., 1970.
- Maslow A., Toward a Psychology of Being,ed. 2, Nueva York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1968.
- Matson F., The Idea of Man,Nueva York, Delacorte Press, 1976.
- Matson F, Montagu A., (eds): Human Dialogue,Nueva York, Free Press, 1967.
- May R., Love and Will,Nueva York, W. W., Norton & Co., Inc., 1969.
- (Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co., 1973.)
- May R., Man’s Search for Himself,Nueva York, W. W., Norton 8c Co., Inc., 1953. (Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co.,
- 1973.)
- May -R., Psychology and The Human Dilemma,Nueva York, Van Nostrand Reinholt Co., 1966.
- Merton T., Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,Nueva York, Doubleday 8c Co., Inc., 1968.
- Merton T., Mystics and Zen Masters,Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co., 1969.
- Merton T., No Man Is and Island,Nueva York, Doubleday Press & Co., Inc.
- Merton T., Zen and The Birds of Appetite,Abbey of Gethsemani Inc., 1968.
- Morris C., Varieties of Human Valué,Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1965.
- Moustakas C. E., Loneliness,Englewood Cliffs, Nueva Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1961.
- Moustakas C. E., Personal Growth: The Struggle for Identity and Human Valúes,Cambridge, M. A., Howard A. Doyle Pub., Co., 1969.
- Moustakas C. E., Portraits of Loneliness and Love,Englewood Cliffs, Nueva Jersey Prentice-Hall Inc., 1974.
- Murphy G., Human Potentialities,Nueva York, Basic Books Inc., 1958.
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- Omstein R., Psichology of Consciousness,Nueva York, Viking Press Inc., 1973.
- Otto H., Ways of Growth: Approaches to Expanding Awa- reness,Nueva York, Grossman Pub., Co., 1968. (Nueva York, Pocket Books Inc., 1971.)
- Paulus T., Hope for the Flowern,Paramus, Nueva Jersey, Paulist/Newman PRess, 1972.
- Pearce J., The Crack in the Cosmic Egg,Nueva York, Julián Press Inc., 1971. (Nueva York, Pocket Books Inc., 1973.)
- Pearce J. C., Magical Child,Nueva York, E. P., Dutton & Co., Inc., 1977.
- Perls E. S., In and Out of the Garbage Pail,Moab, U. T., Real People Press, 1969.
- Priestley J. B., Man and Time,Nueva York, Dell Pub., Co., Inc., 1964.
- Reik T., The Need To Be Loved,Nueva York, Farrar Strauss & Giroux Inc., 1963.
- Reps P., (ed): Zen Flesh and Zen Sones,Rutland, V. T., C. E., Turttle Co., Inc., 1957.
- Reps P., Be!,Nueva York, John Weatherhill Inc., 1971.
- Rogers C., On Becoming A Person,Boston, M. A., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1961.
- Rogers C., Stevens B., Person to Person: The Problem of BeingHuman, Moab, U. T., Real People Press, 1967.
- Roosevek E., Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt,Nueva York, Harper & Row Pub., Co., 1961.
- Roosevelt E., This I Remember,Westport, C. T., Grennwood Press Inc.,
- .1975.
- Roosevelt E., You Leam By Living,Nueva York, Harper & Row Pub., Co., 1960.
- Rnss N. W.» The World of Zen,Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1960.
- Russell B., The Conquest of Happiness,Nueva York, Liveright Pub., Corp., 1930.
- Samples R. Wohlford R., Opening: A Primer for Self Actua- üzation, Reading, M. A., Addison-Wesley Pub., Co., 1974.
- Sartre J. P., Being and Nothingness,Secaucus, Nueva Jersey, Citadel Press, 1964.
- Sartir V., Peoplemaking,Palo Alto, C. A., Science & Behavior Books Inc., 160
- 1972.
- Schultz W., Joy: Expanding Human Awareness,Nueva York, Grove Press Inc., 1967. (Nueva York, Ballentine Books Inc., 1973.) Schweitzer A., Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology,Nueva Ycark, Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1947.
- Schweitzer A., Light Within Us,Secaucus, Nueva Jersey, Citadel Press, 1959.
- Schweitzer A., Pilgrimage to Hurnanity,Philosophy Library, 1961.
- Selye H., Stress of Life,Nueva York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1956.
- Shah I., Wisdom of The Idiots,Nueva York, E. P., Dutton & Co., Inc., 1971.
- Skinner B. F., Walden Two,Nueva York, Macmillan Pub., Co., Inc., 1969.
- Sorokin P. A., Ways and Power of Love,Chicago, Henry Regnery Co., 1967.
- Steven B., Don’t Push The River,Moab, U. T., Real People Press, 1970.
- Storm H., Seven Arrows,Nueva York, Ballantine Books Inc., 1973.
- Suzuki D. T., Zen Buddhism,Nueva York, Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1956.
- Teilhard De Chardin P., Phenomenon of Man,Nueva York, Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1959.
- Tillich P., Courage to Be,New Haven, C. T., Yale University Press, 1952.
- Tzu L., The Way ofLife,Nueva York, Capricom fiooks, 1962.
- Watts A., The Book: On The Taboo of Knowing Who You Are,Nueva York, Pantheon Books, 1966. (Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1974.)
- Watts A., The Way of Zen,Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1974.
- Wiesel E., Souls on Fire: Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Masters, Nueva York, Random House Inc., 1973.
- Yogananda P., Autobiography of a Yogi,Los Angeles, Self Realization Fellowship, 1971.