His first name is Ulrich Tolle and he was born in Germany. He lived with his father in Alicante (Spain) from the age of 13 (in 1961) until he moved to England at the age of 20. He did not receive a formal education from the age of 13, although he did receive language courses and other subjects. He attended night school to meet the admission requirements to enter English universities. He studied at the University of London and Cambridge. One night, not long after his twenty-ninth birthday and after going through a period of anxiety speckled with suicidal depression, he says he received a revelation that made his mind pause: "I can't continue living with myself", this led to a asks, "If I can't live with myself, there must be two: the me, and the myself that I can't live with, Maybe, I thought, only one of the two is real", at that moment, Tolle underwent a transformation spiritual (Described in his first book) that marked the beginning of his work as a spiritual counselor and teacher.