Víctor Ramón Segarra Castro

Víctor Segarra is one of the greatest astrologers in Mexico. She participated in the "Women on TVC" program with small 5-minute talks and from there her popularity skyrocketed when she started her "Las 12 Casas". A half-hour program on the same channel, which was practically "small" given the wealth of quality information it presented. Perhaps one of the most interesting programs on open television because the topics that were played are "taboo" on TV. The teacher Segarra treated esoteric subjects such as: the change of Era, the Ascended teachers, the White Brotherhood, Metaphysics, the Angelic Hosts and his specialty The Zodiacal Signs. He gave advice for the different signs and rituals of white magic so that people would do better. Finally, I chose a theme and carefully crushed it.

His grace and charisma when talking about topics as difficult as angelology and demonology, reptilians, witchcraft, secret government, made these topics seem simple and easy. His mind ranged from books, movies, and general culture to hidden subjects, with great wisdom. Never exceeding the established barriers and showing great love and help to the next. Thanks to him we learned more about: numerology, tarot, runes, the “Tibetan bells”, Mayan, Chinese astrology, the “I Ching”, Zodiacal Angels, UFOs and contactees, Graphology, Psycho Astrology, even the science of moles on the body. Expanding our criteria regarding these little-known topics, since the vast majority of people live in total ignorance because they do not know this knowledge. His interviews with various specialists on different topics are famous, among them with the therapist Ricardo Angulo, the specialist in Angeles: Lucy Aspra the ufologist Johanet Díaz and our great astrologer; the teacher Esteban Mayo.

It was really a great program and people miss him a lot, even when "René" who fell asleep or his coaching staff came to his attention because they were roaring or saying rude words. In short, a great television program that we hope will soon return to the table one of our knowledge giants: Don Víctor Segarra to whom from this space we send a big hug.

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