Dr. Lair Ribeiro says that one of the conquests that will most mark the human being in the coming decades will be the expansion of the powers of the mind and that these changes will not fall from the sky or reach everyone at the same time because they do not actually reach ; they are caused by people ...
Man lives as he thinks. Societies are the reflection of the thoughts of the men who compose them.
Thought is a form of energy that does not comply with the laws of physics and yet is capable of producing physicochemical changes in our body. If we send a clear mental message to the body, it will do exactly what our brain tells it to.
Let's remember the story of Peter Pan, when he had forgotten to fly and someone tells him that to do it again he has to have a happy thought.
The mind is the most powerful instrument we have for our survival. It is the tool with which the brain's biological computer is programmed and is arranged by nature to obey and make the programs comply. But we believe we are disconnected from the mind that, within us, decides whether we age, get sick, or die.
Each and every cell in the body has a mind. The body will follow exactly the commands of the mind. Today it is already known for sure that the mental body controls the physical body. It has been shown that we can consciously alter our heart rate, our body temperature, etc.
All the goods and ills of our life depend on how we use the creative power of thought, to which none of our biological mechanisms escapes. There is nothing in us that is outside the orbit of mental influence. But if we do not know how to use it properly, as it unfortunately happens to us, we will be creating, with the maximum energy of power, what is not convenient for us; because with each thought a biological response is put into action on a physical and psychological, material and spiritual level, activating in the brain a much more complex program that influences the balance of the vegetative nervous system, acting on the complex endocrine system and production of hormones, stimulating or slowing down the metabolism. And it is that the brain governs the biochemistry of the body above all the knowledge or conscious ignorance that we have about it.
Then, if we already know that our mind conditions our existence, it is easy to understand that the method that I present here, necessarily, must give positive results, because what we will do through it is prevent the energy blockade that occurs with the processes of harmful thought; in such a way that, as soon as we discover an emotional distress, it –which is almost always related to an underlying emotional charge, to which, because it is hidden, we have no direct access– thanks to the observation of symptoms of discomfort, displeasure , discomfort, anger, etc., may be eliminated.
But how can I transform my thinking to like, love, stop worrying ...? We do not have to transform anything, the transformation will take place by itself, as we incorporate into our lives the practice of being aware of what we feel, that Energy is always at our disposal to be used and to use it.
In the right hemisphere of our brain, we are all continuously receiving directions on the correct way to proceed. But our linear mind - left hemisphere - is too busy with other things to pay attention and focus on those indications.
We should not use the mind to protect ourselves from the painful feelings that we may fear, because hiding ourselves will not solve anything. We must use our mental power to accept that emotions need to be treated with Love and not just with the mental energy of reasoning, much less imposition.
With this technique we will not have to prohibit or prevent any emotional manifestation that we consider harmful, but we will have to accept it and treat it with the Energy of Love that, being of a higher vibration, will raise any other of a lower nature, thereby deactivating its power harmful.
We have to improve as much as possible the knowledge of ourselves and our own capacities to increase the level of our life and the value of our motivations, in that way the time will come when we will take complete control without the need to continuously monitor our The mind will only move between two blocks of thought: that of our work with Energy, which will gradually decrease, and the one that does not need that work, which will increase. This means that our mind will select continuously, without our intending it, thereby making us constantly aware of what is going through our minds. In this way, an infinity of useless and repetitive thoughts that previously occupied it will be eliminated, being replaced by creativity and lucidity and giving way to an increase in intellectual capacity that was previously reduced as a result of the energy blockade that conditioned us.
But another time will come when we will move to a much more advanced and fruitful phase. It will be when absolutely no mental or physical discomfort prevents us from "being" what we really are. Unfortunately for that I do not have any definition because it is a sublime and ineffable state that each one must experience for himself and in his own way, (even if only momentarily) to make it his necessary objective.
The knowledge that the emotional body controls our mind is an essential key. Otherwise we will be at the mercy of any feeling because it will irretrievably control our thinking. If we recognize an emotion but our mind, on the other hand, is saying that it does not fit our world, we will surrender to that conclusion because we interpret it as an act of survival. But knowing that our mind is subordinate to the emotional body we can open ourselves to our higher Self to make way for the only Energy that can dissolve all conflict.
It is necessary that, as a species, we leave the plane of mere survival to enter that of creativity and total freedom. And that we break past patterns that keep us from moving toward enlightenment, and allow emotions to continue to direct repetitive experiences, rather than free ourselves from them. That is why the human being only prospers in science and technology; emotionally, we are like millennia ago.
And it is that our powerful emotional body does not want us to change, nor is it interested in us being happy; it only aspires to re-record and repeat the repertoires it already contains. The emotional body likes people who do not love us more because those who love us bore it; he likes seduction and play. It is destructive because it takes us away from ourselves. But when the emotional body begins to dilute we experience a profound change, our relationships change and our lives too. And no one but us can make that happen.
By working with the Energy of Love we will be less and less subject to emotions and more governed by our higher Self, which will help us to disengage ourselves from the experiences that we no longer need to evolve.
We have to go beyond using only ten percent of our brain. We cannot continue to settle for such a small proportion. We have to learn to use our brains holographically to radiate harmony in and around our surroundings. We will not have to do anything special, we just have to accept that we are multidimensional and say: "My higher Self: guide me." That will be enough. And there is nothing magical or miraculous, it is something natural for which the composition of our being is prepared. The more we ask for it, the more clearly we will grasp it.
If we put ourselves in a position to allow wisdom, to allow the mind and body to fulfill their natural function, by cosmic law, we can expand, since any type of life is always directed towards perfection. That is why we must be aware and accept that our life must always move in the direction of perfect health, correct nutrition, goodness and globalization. Constriction is a mirage created by us, not by life.
Dr. E. Sarno, in his book "Free yourself from back pain" exposes a very interesting theory regarding how our mind reacts to emotions by diverting our attention to the physical body. According to him, it seems to be (and this is confirmed after many years of experimentation with his patients) that when our mind is “overcome” by excessive emotional pressure, it sets in motion an internal mechanism that makes some part of the body hurt. . With this he tries to get us to divert attention from the emotional problem and direct it to the body. If this "defense" mechanism achieves its goal, the mind will continue to use it over and over again to prevent us from falling into a dangerous mental imbalance that, logically for our global integrity, takes precedence over physical imbalance.
He affirms that this mere knowledge is of vital importance in order not to "play the game" of the unconscious mind and give it conscious orders on how to behave in emotional situations of special difficulty. Well, with the simple fact of knowing we will already be using our conscious power of control, so as not to be dragged by unconscious orders.
He also claims to have a very high percentage of success with patients who have been suffering from various muscle aches for many years (even totally disabled people) with the only treatment to prevent paying attention to physical pain and, on the contrary, to attend to their emotional problems.
This theory agrees with this method. Well, if we focus on sending energy to the emotional conflict that causes the mind to be forced to cause a physical ailment, we will be managing to undo that mental strategy and, consequently, the physical problem.
But let us not forget that if we pretend that our emotions do not dominate our life, we will not be able to achieve it only with the power of the mind. Also, we need the Love one.