A monk, after walking all day through the forest, had arrived on the outskirts of a small town just as it was getting dark. Since the weather was good, he decided to spend the night under a tree, in the light of the stars.
When he had settled in and was about to eat something, he observed a peasant who was hurrying towards him.
As soon as the man reached his height the first thing he did was yell at him.
"I need wealth!" Give it to me! Give it to me! She implored him out loud.
-The wealth? What wealth? I don't understand you, "replied the monk, surprised." Calm down, I don't know what you're talking about.
—Yes, wealth, wealth… I need it! She screamed again. Last night I dreamed that a monk was going to arrive in the city, that he would sit right under this tree and that he would give me such enormous wealth that it would last me for a lifetime! And I want it, I want it, give it to me!
The monk set dinner aside and nodded. He searched among his bags and finally put his hand inside one of them.
"Yes, here it is, I think this is what you are looking for." I found it yesterday when I was coming this way — and calmly handed it to the peasant.
"Wow!" He exclaimed. It's a diamond, it's a diamond! It is the largest diamond I have ever seen! Is incredible!
She watched him for a moment.
-Is for me? Can I really keep it? He finally said.
"Yes, of course," replied the monk, "if what you have dreamed is true, it means that this wealth that I must give you is this diamond."
-Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you very much! "And he ran away."
The peasant arrived at his house and, as soon as he entered, he locked the door. He went to his bedroom, took out the diamond and was stroking it. After a while he realized what was in his hands and, frightened, closed the window and turned off the light.
But that night she could barely sleep. He stayed awake with the jewel clutched in his hands and with an ax under the bed in case someone came to take it away.
The next day, he took the diamond, put it in a bag, and headed back toward the tree, hoping that the monk had not yet left.
Fortunately he was still there, in the same place, sitting on his blanket.
"Good morning, monk, I come to give you this back, I don't want it." Actually I think this is not the wealth you had to give me, I want you to show me the other.
-The other? What other wealth are you referring to? Replied the monk.
"The one who allowed you to part with this diamond so easily."