Everything is paid for with energy


Nothing is free. But all the price you must pay is on you. If we do not have everything necessary and more, the following must be taken into account: You should use your energy well instead of wasting it.


  • When you get depressed
  • When you judge
  • When he hates
  • When he lies or exaggerates
  • When you care about the future
  • When you regret the past
  • When you feel fear
  • When you argue to be right
  • When you have addictions and attachments
  • When he gets mad easily
  • When you depend on drugs
  • When you sleep and overeat
  • When you criticize someone
  • When you don't accept your mistakes
  • When he talks about more or without thinking
  • When you hold a grudge
  • When you don't know how to forgive
  • When you seek to consume pain
  • When you feel victimized
  • When you give up your inner strength and power
  • When you worry about what others will say
  • When you want to pretend what is not, what cannot, what you do not have
  • When you bother about unimportant things
  • When it lets itself get out of its boxes, from its center

It means that you have waste and misuse of your energy, not used correctly and that instead you are feeding parasite entities from the darkness that in this way attracts them and adheres them to their field or center of power.

When a balloon is inflated too much, too much, the energy increases and the pressure becomes unsustainable and then it explodes.

When you explode in anger or burst into tears or become depressed, it indicates that you are misusing your energy and are promoting the darkness to take hold.

It is your strength and power that you are willingly giving.

Strictly speaking, you must learn to handle more energy than you already do.

To improve your energy capacity, to increase your energy, you must redistribute the energy you waste.

If you use energy in anger, in judging, in harming others, in lying, in pretending, in arguing nonsense, in feeling like the victim, in believing that others are "attacking" you, in facing the world with aggressiveness, then you it is an unconscious being that wastes its energy.

If you get excited or angry that your soccer team or political party wins or loses, then you waste your precious energy and don't even have the basic principles of true spirituality. Unconsciously he was carried away by the deception of the darkness and its false reality. It is one thing to see the world for what it is with intelligence and objectivity and quite another to get involved with your "passion" because you do not know how to control its potential and you give it up, you hand it over!

And if you think you are awake, you are not. It is trapped in the system and programs of darkness and feeds them against their own well-being. And continue on the silly wheel of victim, complaint, deception, suffering, discomfort, unconsciousness, weakness and blaming others and the external, because you do not know yourself, you have no connection with yourself.

It is very comfortable and easy for you to see the affairs of others, but of yourself, NOTHING!

Fanaticism of all kinds wastes energy, seeking reasons to defend our point of view wastes energy and is synonymous with a weak personality.

You must say something and hold it but up to a certain limit. Doing so will save energy and your words will have power.

In general energy is obtained when you act in harmony.