Ángel Escudero Juan: The power of thought

Biography published on the author's website

Dr. Ángel Escudero Juan, a Spanish doctor and surgeon, is the creator of Noesiology, a science that studies the effects of thought in life. His concern for improving the well-being of his patients initially led him to apply this knowledge to the field of health, developing Noesitherapy or healing through thought, his medical-humanistic school.

Since 1972 he has been carrying out his surgical activity using psychological analgesia through Noesitherapy, a methodology that has led to all branches of health with excellent results. Transferring this experience to maternity, he achieved Maternal-Fetal Psychoanalgesia (PMF) to teach women to give birth with well-being, with a single training session.

From his successful work in all fields of medicine, he has extrapolated his experiences and principles for the development and happiness of people in different facets of life: physical and mental personal development, sports or school success, human relations, business performance, etc.

A multitude of people of various nationalities and professional fields have learned the values of Noesiology in the various courses, seminars, conferences, videoconferences, etc., taught by Dr. Escudero and his team, held all over the world.

Countless testimonials, both personal and professional, as well as his own vitality, attest to the valuable benefits of Noesiology.

His biography has been included in the Biographical Dictionary of the History of Spain, edited by the Royal Academy of History, and published in June 2011. Edition data: VV. AA., Spanish Biographical Dictionary, vol. XVII, Madrid, Royal Academy of History, 2011, pp. 595-597.

NOESITHERAPY or Thought Healing


Humanistic school created by the Spanish surgeon Dr. Ángel Escudero Juan. The foundations of it can improve health and quality of life at all levels. It is possible to be operated without chemical anesthesia and give birth without medicine and with well-being. You can imagine that this system has applications in all human activities, and in all medical specialties, improving their results. — Dr. Escudero