Denis Astelar

Denis Astelar is a born teacher who conducts hundreds of lectures, seminars and courses based on deep teachings that cause a great change in vibration through reflections full of wisdom about the experience of the present and the meaning of life.

Developing psychic capacities from an early age, his message brings inner growth, a change in the vision of existence, inner peace and elevation of consciousness.

Founder of the Hermes Academy, married and father of a family, he considers himself a breaker of schemes and little friend of religions.

Live without excessive social life and from the tranquility provided by silence, family and nature.

His most extensive and profound work is based on his teachings received completely psychically and delivered as a philosophy of life that brings personal growth and spirituality and invite, as he expresses, to open the doors of wisdom and inner connection that is found in each and every being.

The way he has to present his work is through the deep reflections that he transmits with a simple, direct and clear language, endowing each of his words with great light and sweet humor.

Channeling #Karma #Ego #SpiritualLife #SpiritualCommunication #Intuition