The Celestine Prophecy

Chance or fate directs John to the Peruvian rain forest. There some researchers have just discovered ancient writings that announce the arrival of a new stage for man that will change the perception of everything that surrounds him and will provide him with a new perception of the future. These revelations are supposedly a threat and a risk to those who know them, according to the antagonists.

The story it tells is exciting, adventure and discovery, but it is also a guide that has the power to clarify your perception of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism.

In the movie, fate or fate directs John to the Peruvian rain forest. There some researchers have just discovered ancient writings that announce the arrival of a new stage for man that will change the perception of everything that surrounds him and will provide him with a new perception of the future.

The nine revelations
1. We are rediscovering that we live in a profoundly mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronized encounters that seem destined.

2. The more we awaken to this mystery, we will create a new world view - redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.

3. We are going to discover that everything that surrounds us, all matter, consists of and comes from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.

4. From this perspective, we can see that human beings have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This fight is responsible for all human conflicts.

5. The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with boundless energy and love, expands our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a consciousness of the Supreme Being.

6. In this consciousness, we can release our own pattern of control, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share, that helps humanity evolve to this new level of reality.

7. In the search for this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, it brings a flow of coincidences that open the doors for our mission to unfold.

8. When a sufficient number of us enter this evolutionary flow, always energizing the higher self of everyone we meet, we are going to build a new culture in which our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.

9. In this way, we participate in the long path of evolution, from the Big Bang to the end goal of life: to energize our body, from generation to generation, until we enter a sky that we can finally see.