StoryBrand: How to tell stories to connect with your audience?: Easily understand how the methodology defined by Donald Miller works

Storybrand methodology is a way of thinking about marketing and communication that is based on the power of stories.

The 7 steps of a story

According to this methodology, all stories share a common structure, which consists of seven steps:

  1. The ideal world: The protagonist imagines a perfect world, where his problems are solved.
  2. The problem: The protagonist faces a problem that prevents him from achieving his ideal world.
  3. The call to action: The protagonist receives a call to action that invites him to solve his problem.
  4. The resistance: The protagonist faces resistance, which prevents him from solving his problem.
  5. The victory: The protagonist exceeds resistance and solves his problem.
  6. The new world: The protagonist lives in a new world, where his problems are solved.
  7. The end: The protagonist shares his story with others, inspiring others to follow his example.

Key concepts

To understand how the Storybrand methodology works, it is important to understand some key concepts:

  • The protagonist: The protagonist is the person with whom the public identifies. He is the person who faces a problem and seeks to solve it.
  • The problem: The problem is what prevents the protagonist from reaching his ideal world. It is something that causes pain or suffering.
  • The call to action: The call to action is what invites the protagonist to solve his problem. It is something that motivates him to act.
  • The resistance: The resistance is what prevents the protagonist from solving his problem. It can be internal or external.
  • The victory: Victory is the time when the protagonist surpasses resistance and solves his problem. It is the time when the protagonist reaches his ideal world.
  • The new world: The new world is the world that the protagonist creates after overcoming his problem. It is a better world, where your problems are solved.
  • The end: The end is the moment when the protagonist shares his story with others. It is the time when you inspire others to follow your example.

Practical applications

Storybrand methodology can be applied to a variety of contexts, including:

  • Marketing: The Storybrand methodology can be used to create marketing campaigns that resonate with the audience.
  • Communication: Storybrand methodology can be used to create communication messages that are clear and concise.
  • Education: Storybrand methodology can be used to create educational and memorable courses and materials.

The Storybrand Methodology is a powerful tool that can help people tell stories that connect with their audience. By understanding the key concepts of this methodology, we can create stories that are effective and memorable.

Some additional tips to apply the Storybrand Methodology:

  • Start with empathy: Before starting to write your story, pay attention to your audience. What are your problems? What motivates them?
  • Be specific: When you describe the ideal world of your protagonist, be specific. How do you see? How it sounds? How does it smell?
  • Creates a convincing conflict: The conflict is what makes the story interesting. Make sure your protagonist's problem is large enough to motivate him to act.
  • Offer a clear solution: At the end of your story, make sure your protagonist has found a solution to your problem.


If you are interested in learning more about the Storybrand methodology, I recommend reading Donald Miller's books:

  • Storybrand: How to tell stories that connect with your audience
  • Building to Storybrand: Clarify your Message So Customers Will Listen


I recommend the list of videos that I have collected to facilitate understanding. Activate subtitles in your language when necessary.

I'm here to support you

If you are looking for a mentor to guide you or want to build your website applying this methodology, tell me. Visit my website to learn more or Contact me by WhatsApp. I will be happy to support you with the construction and exponential growth of your brand, whether personal or business.