There is no one type of healthy female body, but many and very different. In addition, the body that they sell us as a normal size, in reality, is not the only one, or even the most common or frequent ... simply social or commercial impositions and do not have to do with a healthy human body many times.
Many adolescents and even adult women who ate in a balanced way and exercised daily ... However, they were beginning to experience this obsession with their weight ... they were pushing them to adopt behaviors that could become harmful to their health ... This is how most of them have begun to destroy themselves emotionally.
How to escape the dictatorship of the image?
Most of the women with severe food crises belong to a technological generation, based more on the image than the word ... who have grown up having increasingly thin girls and women as a reference model.
Deprogramming these highly toxic learnings is extremely difficult.
In therapy, one of the points that is most emphasized is that of working on the perception that women have about themselves. Thanks to this, she begins to see herself with her own eyes, rather than with the eyes of society. Many destructive mechanisms are moderated and the obsession with weight stops. It is understood that the problem is not his, but the beauty model imposed by the industry.
An anxious, fearful, and disenchanted population is much easier to manipulate, control, and subdue than one in which people have high self-esteem, positive self-image, and an enormous degree of control over their tastes, needs, desires, and decisions.
Unfortunately, after so many years of media manipulation, the idea has been popularly assimilated that a normal, curvy female body is a plus size, and therefore synonymous with being overweight.
I wonder what message girls and adolescents are receiving nowadays, when the body of a normal, healthy and curvy woman, is considered as “plus size” and assimilated as something abnormal and negative.
Continually bombarded by this sinister idea, after a while, a problem appears where there was no previous one.
How to stop this?
Here we are faced with the importance of personal esteem that we have built in our childhood and therefore preserved in adolescence ... This construction of my physical and personal security ... The feeling of having love and contentment at hand during my life and feel protection ... It is what my destiny will bring in good decision-making when approving or not this destructive media invasion of the woman's body ...
Deal with not only the urgent but the important. What is important to you?
Without a doubt the affections, the family: the one with whom you share your time today. All the time.
The time ... that which flew after the urgent, today shows us what is important. Health, children, your brothers, your parents, your grandparents, the nephews, your love, humanity, you. They say that life brings you as many times as necessary the circumstances you need, until you learn ...
What do we have to learn as human beings? What do you have to learn? Me? What a great opportunity to look at ourselves, at others ... but not just look at us, but see us.
So without makeup, without suitable clothes, without masks or costumes. Just as we are ... dispossessed of masks. Each one with its shortcomings, with its virtues ... with the fears that arise, with the shadows, with all our light.
They said that 2020 brought the best ... and it was true. It brought the truth, and this time you can't escape. Because you are with you and the ones you love the most. With those who form your clan. With those you neglected so many times for the urgent.
Today the only urgent thing is the important thing. Love, solidarity, silence, laughter, memories ... We know everything we need to know, now there is time to listen to us. Let's not miss the OPPORTUNITY! Maybe it's the last.